Our Products and Services to Support your RTO
Independent assessment validation and quality review services. Specialising in pre-use validation of assessment tools
Skills Education
Professional Development opportunities with on-demand digestible PD, self-paced learning programs, and a live webinar
calendar of events
Write On Resources
Bespoke content design and development; specialised project support
Education Matters
Skills Education Product
Annual Learning and Resources Hub membership with a wealth of created and curated useful information to make VET and TAE PD easy
RPL Matters
Skills Education Product
Membership to our active
Community of Learning about
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
RPL Microcredentials
Skills Education Hosted
Undertake self-paced learning programs for advanced skills in RPL and clustering assessment tools. Get one-on-one mentoring support as you progress

Can you help?
In 2020 we conducted a small study about VET professional development: costs, interactions and needs.
This year, we're updating and expanding the 2020 study to gain insight into factors including:
Needs and preferences for VET PD
Employer support for PD
Emerging trends
If you work in Australian VET, you are invited to participate in the research and share the survey link with your colleagues