Assess and verify the quality of your tools
Our pre-assessment (pre-use) validation services help Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) and compliance personnel accurately, efficiently and effectively assess the quality of VET assessment tools
Results from our validation activities provide clear, easy-to-understand and easy-to-action guidance on how to address any identified gaps. The expertise of our validation team is trusted by public and private RTOs seeking confirmation that the tools for use in their courses are fit-for-purpose, will cover all of the unit of competency evidence requirements and are designed to collect sufficient, valid evidence
Order a validation service
Try our hassle-free 'Load and Go' validation service. Load your assessment marking guide and mapping document and while you go about your business, our validation experts will review the instruments against the unit of competency. We'll email you the results and report when done
Ask us about...
Pre-use validation services for:
Quality Assurance
Gap Analysis
Confirmation of Compliance
Continuous Improvement
Assessment Review
Validation services for:
Compliance with the requirements of the Standards for RTOs and the TAE Training Package
Validation of assessment judgements
Meeting your RTO's 5-year validation plan
Quality Review
Pre-use validation is a best-practice activity that - when done correctly - will determine how well an assessment tool will meet it specific criteria, including full coverage of the unit of competency evidence requirements and the Principles of Assessment. The process can also verify how well an assessment tool has been designed to collect evidence that will meet the Rules of Evidence. Activities within a pre-use validation may include a validation of the assessment mapping document and analysis of the tool to review the clarity of instructions for users, benchmark responses and other critical elements for quality assessment.
The purpose of conducting pre-use validation exercises is to ensure only tools that are fit-for-purpose are used by RTOs and that those tools can support consistently valid assessment judgements. Positive results from validation of assessment judgements - carried out as part of the RTO's mandatory 5 year validation schedule - relies on having and using tools that meet all requirements. Pre-use validation is the first step in meeting these compliance obligations.
We offer all types of validation services:
Assessment reviews
Mapping of assessments to the unit of competency
Validation of:
Assessment tools pre-use
Recently purchased materials to confirm compliance and/or suitability for use
Validation as required by the Standards for RTOs 2015 (which may require a panel approach to post-assessment validation and validation of judgements)

We can:
Conduct all types of validation services listed above
Offer independent, unbiased review of assessment tools and processes
Produce Gap Reports which show the results of gap analyses
Make recommendations for 'next steps'
Provide an independent validation report giving feedback on assessment tools, their likelihood of collecting valid, reliable evidence as required by the unit of competency, their usability, and overall quality of content; great to keep on file for compliance purposes!
Make the rectifications where/if required
Write gap assessments
Calculate the statistically valid sample size for you
Assist you to write - or write for you - the validation plan for your RTO
Be an ad-hoc or ongoing contributor to your RTO's validation schedule
Help your RTO meet its compliance obligations; against the Standards for RTOs 2015

We work to the requirements of the Standards for RTOs and to those of the National VET Regulator, ASQA.