When a new training package is released or a major update occurs, there are a number of key steps an RTO must take to remain compliant with its obligations.
BSB isn't the only consideration
One of the higher profile changes in 2020 has been the release of the updated Business Services Training Package; BSB 7.0. However, it's not the only training package to have undergone an overhaul, and it's important to remember that advice on transition arrangements applies across the board.
Since 1st October 2020 until end of December there have been the following training package updates:
RII: Resources and Infrastructure Industry training package
FBP: Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical (Release 4.1) - minor release
UEE: Electrotechnology Training Package - major release (supersedes UEE11)
ICT: Information and Communications Technology (Release 6.1) - minor release
ICTSS00108 - Digital Skills for Small Business Skill Set - introduced
ICTSS00109 - Entry to Tech Skill Set - introduced
FBPSS00051 - Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Operator Induction Skill Set - introduced
BSB: Business Services Training Package - major release
SIR: Retail Services Training Package - major release
DEF: Defence Training Package - major release
MAR: Maritime Training Package - major release
TLI: Transport and Logistics Training Package - major release
SFI: Seafood Industry - major release
TAE: Training and Education - minor release
FNS: Financial Services Training Package - major release
AUR: Automotive Retail, Service and Repair Training Package (Release 6.0) - major release
PMA: Chemical, Hydrocarbons and Refining Training Package (Release 2.0) - major release
CPC: Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package - major release
FWP: Forest and Wood Training Products - major release
AMP: Australian Meat Processing Training Package - major release
PUA: Public Safety Training Package - major release
POL: Police Training Package - major release
HLT: Health Training Package - major release
AHC: Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package - major release
Whilst 3 of the listed 24 are 'minor', RTOs should still check to confirm no changes are required to their operations and the way they are delivering and assessing qualifications.
For all other instances, if your RTO has qualifications or explicit units of competency or skill sets from the affected training packages on its scope of registration, there is a fair bit (ok, a lot) of work to do.
To help
For BSB:
The Business Services Training Package is the most widely used in the VET system and the updates from the major release will impact over 1,700 RTOs.
Only 13 of the updated qualifications are listed as being equivalent to the one they supersede. RTOs will need to apply to have any qualifications deemed to be 'not equivalent' added to their scope of registration. We have compiled a list of the qualifications and their equivalency status from the information available about BSB 7.0 - access your complimentary copy of the collation here.
Regarding Transition Arrangements:
ASQA is highlighting the need for self-assurance and the Standards for RTOs 2015 require RTOs to manage their own scopes of registration.
Each time a training package is updated, RTOs need to design and implement an action plan for how they will introduce the new requirements.
You're welcome to download this complimentary RTO Support Tool we developed in October 2020 to read a brief overview of the Training Package development and approval process, what happens when a new Training Package is released, and answers to 15 of the most common questions that come up when a new training package product comes available.
A note on imported units, list electives, and units on scope:
If your RTO is delivering a qualification that contains a unit imported from another training package there are a few more considerations to make.
If the imported unit is listed in the qualification (as either a core unit or list elective), you must continue to deliver that particular unit of competency - even if it has been superseded in the training package from which it comes.
If the imported unit is delivered because it has been chosen by the RTO to complete the packaging requirements for the qualification (i.e. the training product has not listed the unit as a specific option) you will need to transition to the updated version.
Here's an example using SIT30516 Certificate III in Events:
The qualification uses some BSB units as core and listed electives. It also allows up to three units to be chosen from any other current Training Package or accredited course. The diagram below shows the implications of using imported units from a training package that has recently been updated (BSB 7.0):
In short, if a qualification lists a specific unit of competency's code, that is what the RTO must deliver.
In this example, the RTO does not transition the core unit BSBWOR203 - the qualification lists that specific unit so that specific unit must be delivered. However, any imported electives that are from the BSB Training Package must be transitioned.
Units of competency explicit on scope of registration
Sometimes an RTO will be confirmed to train and assess specific (and often stand alone) units of competency. These will be listed on the scope of registration, like this example:
When a training product has been updated and the unit is explicit (specifically listed) on scope of registration, the RTO will need to consider transition arrangements for this unit of competency.
- December 2020