Key changes to legislation approved in 2020 come into effect 1 March 2021.
It involves:
The National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Data Provision Requirements) Instrument 2020 (new instrument)
National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Regulations 2011 (update to existing)
Changes apply to RTO requirements for:
Supplying information to ASQA on request - which now includes supply in a particular manner and/or format, for example, electronically. Note that changes also include ability for ASQA to request student records in a specific electronic format - details of which will be forthcoming from ASQA in the next few months
Data provision requirements including:
Keeping ASQA updated on certain changes within the RTO
Keeping ASQA updated about the "physical address of any site or campus from which VET courses are delivered on a permanent basis"
Type of information that must be provided to ASQA about third-party arrangements
Ability to comply with the VET Quality Framework (VQF) requirements, including:
The Financial Viability Risk Assessment Requirements and Fit and Proper Person Requirements
Any future event that is likely to impact ability to comply with VQF
Any future likely substantial changes to operations
Ongoing demonstration of commitment to, and capability for, delivering quality VET, including:
Actions for self-assurance and a sustained and systemic approach to rectify identified non-compliances
Embedding ongoing compliance in everyday operations
See the following for more information about the new requirements, including changes to ASQA processes:
ASQA Guidance for reporting locations
National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Data Provision Requirements) Instrument 2020
National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011